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Proper usage of Pronoun.

Wrong : There are no secrets between you and she.

 Right : There are no secrets between you and her.

Proper usage of Pronoun.

Wrong : I and she respect their elders.

 Right : She and I respect our elders.

Proper usage of Pronoun.

Wrong : He availed of the opportunity.

 Right : He availed himself of the opportunity.

Proper usage of Noun.

Wrong : Liza sold her hairs to buy a present for her brother.

 Right : Liza sold her hair to buy a present for her brother.

Proper usage of Noun.

Wrong : Alex's bag's colour is very beautiful.

 Right : The colour of Alex's bag is very beautiful.

Proper usage of Noun.

Wrong : My group members are healthy.

 Right : The members of my group are healthy.

Error in the usage of Prepositions

Wrong : She loves with her parents.

 Right : She loves her parents.

 Wrong : He is awaiting for your orders.

 Right : He is awaiting your orders.

Proper usage of Adjectives.

Wrong : He has not bought some book.

 Right : He has not bought any book.

 Wrong : These all children are naughty.

 Right : All these children are naughty.

Proper usage of Pronoun.

Wrong : Is that Alex ? Yes, it is him.

 Right : Is that Alex ? Yes, it is he.

 Wrong : It was her who spoke during the lecture.

 Right : It was she who spoke during the lecture.

Proper usage of Verbs.

Wrong : I had visited Turkey last year.

Right : I  visited Turkey last year.

 Wrong : The train left before he reached the station.

 Right : The train had  left before he reached the station.

Error in the usage of Noun.

Wrong : Mathematics are taught in an easy and interesting way in this school.

 Right : Mathematics is taught in an easy and interesting way in this school.

 Wrong :  He will recite these poetries.

 Right :  He will recite these poems.

Singular and Plural

Brother-in-law  -  Brothers-in-law

 Mouse - Mice

 Analysis - Analyses

 Criterion - Criteria

 Phenomenon - Phenomena

Masculine and Feminine Gender

Drone - Bee

 Drake - Duck

 Horse - Mare

 Fiance - Fiancee

 Wizard - Witch

Singular and Plural

Circus - Circuses

 Lorry - Lorries

 Cargo - Cargoes

 Shelf - Shelves

 Chairman - Chairmen

Masculine and Feminine Gender

Lord - Lady

 Fox - Vixen

 Bridegroom - Bride

 He-goat - She- goat

 Gander - Goose

Proper usage of In and Into

In is used to denote things at rest.

The material is in the water.

 The manager is in the office.

 Into is used to denote things at motion towards the inside of something.

 The boy fell into the water.

 They jumped into the river.